1.Providing structural reinforcement, leak repair, and corrosion prevention for commercial and industrial pipes.(If pipes is rust and it will need to be replaced soon(it will afect using of pipes and need very high cost to replace ,we can use fix it wrap to wrap it all.so keep it out of air,sun,rain and keep it30years.no need to replace pipes again).
Great For:
■Pipeline Integrity
■Leak Repairing, Structural Reinforcement,corrosion prevention
■Transmission and distribution pipelines
■Oil,Gas,Steam,Water Pipes
■Copper Pipe,PVC Pipe,Polypipe,Metal Pipe etc
■Girth welds on vessels and pipelines
■straights,elbows,tees,and flanges
■Process pipling:chemicals,oil,gases,water and steam
Atmospheric corrosion,Sunshine Corrosion,UV Corrosion,Rain Corrosion,Alkaline Corrosion,Sea Water Corrosion and Underground Corrosion.
2.Protect the gas pipe,water pipe,solar pipes in house.
If use fix it wrap to wrap all pipes in house.It will make gas pipe more stronger and not easy to break.so more safe and save money on repairing gas pipes. If use fix it wrap to wrap all water and solar pipes,it will keep it out of air,rain ,sun.water and solar pipes is easy to break around 8-10years in house. and they are very easy to break in cold weather.so if use it wrap all,all these problems will be solved.and it will save a lot money and work and waste for house.